Everywhere we went in Alaska, they had the most beautiful flower beds. So much color! The weather must be perfect for flowers during the summer time. They were all so vibrant!

We decided to go on a Whale Watching tour while in Juneau. You can book these excursions through the cruise, but we decided to go with a local company called Harv's and Marv's. SO glad we did! The price was almost the same, but instead of being on a boat with 40+ people, we were on a boat with 6! And we had the most awesome tour guide, Liz. Liz LOVES the water and the whales and she spends her summers in Alaska and her winter in Hawaii. Tough life, eh?
There's always that fear when you go on a wildlife tour that you won't actually get to see any wildlife. Luckily for us, that was not the case at all! First, we saw a family of bald eagles. Unfortunately, I don't have any pictures of them, but they were very cool. Just take my word for it. Then we came across the sea lions who like to hang out on this red buoy. There were about 4 or 5 of them on there and they were so cute! The one in the front that you can see sleeping kept slowly slipping more and more of the buoy until his head hit the water, which would jolt him awake. Then he would do it again. It was hilarious!
Getting to the whales started off a little slow. We hung out in an area where the local humpback whale, Sasha, often swam with her baby. We didn't see anything for a long time, but then saw a black hump emerge out of the water in the distance. We saw her and the baby emerge a few times, and worried that might be the end of the show, but then we moved to another area and stumbled upon 8+ humpback whales! They were everywhere. It was SO cool! It's hard to image these creatures average 50ft long and 80,000lbs! Yowza!
We took about 500 pictures while on this tour, so I tried to sort through them and pick out the best ones. At the end, but sure to watch the video. If you listen closely, you can hear the whales talking to each other! (I apologize for the shakiness of the video. The waters were rough and it was very hard to stay still!)
Check out this National Geographic Moment (as Liz would say). This sea lion jump out of the water right in front of use to catch a fish just as the whale is diving in the background!
Watch the video!
After the whale watching, they took us to see the Mendenhall Glacier, which is about 12 miles from downtown Juneau. The pictures aren't as clear because of the fog, but you can see how beautiful it is!
Juneau was super awesome! We could have stayed there forever. We even joked that if we missed the boat it wouldn't be the worst thing. Ha ha. But alas, we had to go and see the next amazing Alaskan town!
Wa-é ak-wé!
Tlingit for "Good Night". Pronounced wah-eh ahk-way
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